Don't forget the Nutcracker
En av Swanbergs
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(Locustella naevia) at Lake Hornborga, Västergötland in 1947. After the successful breeding in 1945 at the lake mentioned not a single specimen reappeared in 1946, but in 1947 at least 7 singing males were observed, none of which, however, on the previous breeding place. Most of these males were evidently unmated, but on June 3 a nest with 6 eggs was found. In the evening of June 73, there were 5 young ones and an egg not yet hatched. Thus, the last egg was probably laid on May 31 or June 1. Later, at least one of the parent birds perished and the brood succumbed. - Author discusses the question whether the total absence of grasshopper warblers in 1946 could be due to the prevailing temperature conditions during the normal arrival time of the species. It does not seem probable that the highest temperature of the day should have any influence on the time of arrival. The low night temperature in 1946 on the other hand, might indicate that the temperature is one of the factors that regulate the fluctuations in number of grasshopper-warblers coming up over our country which is north of their regular breeding area.
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rödvioletta prickar Hs 1954